painkiller jane
painkiller jane

PainkillerJaneisafictionalsuperheroinecreatedbyJimmyPalmiottiandJoeQuesadaforEventComicsin1995.Originallyafive-issuemini-series, ...,Jane,ayoungsoldier,isexposedtoabiochemicalweaponthatendowsherwithself-healingpowers.Sheusesherabilitiestofightcri...

Painkiller Jane (TV Movie 2005)

Jane,ayoungsoldier,isexposedtoabiochemicalweaponthatendowsherwithself-healingpowers.Sheusesherabilitiestofightcrimewhileeludingthe ...

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Painkiller Jane

Painkiller Jane is a fictional superheroine created by Jimmy Palmiotti and Joe Quesada for Event Comics in 1995. Originally a five-issue mini-series, ...

Painkiller Jane (TV Movie 2005)

Jane, a young soldier, is exposed to a biochemical weapon that endows her with self-healing powers. She uses her abilities to fight crime while eluding the ...

Painkiller Jane (TV Series 2007)

Jane Vasco is a DEA agent recruited by a covert government agency that hunts genetically enhanced individuals. She discovers that she can heal rapidly from any ...

Painkiller Jane (TV series)

The series stars Loken as Jane Vasco. ... She begins as a DEA agent, where in the course of her work she encounters Andre McBride (Rob Stewart), who is the leader ...

Painkiller Jane

Painkiller Jane. 第1 季. Les attaques terroristes sont accrues, la situation économique et sociale est fragile et le gouvernement découvre l'existence d'une ...

Painkiller Jane, No. 1

Jane's first big adventure starts in the streets of New York as she is forced into saving her enemy's daughter from a kidnapping. 閱讀更多 ...


劇情簡介 當軍隊遭到特製生化武器攻擊後,無人能倖免,除了一名年輕女性。她不僅倖免於難還發展出特殊能力,能夠在受傷後短短數日之內復原。軍方得知她的能力,當她 ...


書名:Painkiller Jane,語言:英文,ISBN:193330524X,作者:Quesada, Joe/ Palmiotti, Jimmy,出版日期:2006/12/30,類別:藝術設計.


PainkillerJaneisafictionalsuperheroinecreatedbyJimmyPalmiottiandJoeQuesadaforEventComicsin1995.Originallyafive-issuemini-series, ...,Jane,ayoungsoldier,isexposedtoabiochemicalweaponthatendowsherwithself-healingpowers.Sheusesherabilitiestofightcrimewhileeludingthe ...,JaneVascoisaDEAagentrecruitedbyacovertgovernmentagencythathuntsgeneticallyenhancedindividuals.Shediscoversthatshecanhealrapidlyf...